Monday, July 14, 2008

Gold, Silver, Bronze, yes, everyone is a Winner at these Games!!

The quilt at the Convention Center is an awe inspiring sight!

Let me start this blog segment out by saying that if I were in charge of handing out the medals at this years games, a Gold medal would go to each of our own Team Wisconsin Cheerleaders! These girls are great, and really know how to get the crowd going. The cheers are great, their never ending spirit is great, and now they are even doing lifts! What next?

What a great day of sporting events, led off by the 5k walk/run. The events were so much fun to watch. We saw table tennis, basketball, and stopped for a while to reflect on the Donor Quilt. We took a picture of Joe's Donor's Quilt Square and I e-mailed it to our donor family this morning. They are gonna love it.

The table tennis matches were so much fun to watch. Bob and Darin you guys rock.....
In the evening we went to watch Basketball. Each of our teams won there first game and gave it their best in the second games. Good fight team! The fan support at these games was something to see. What a special group of people!

More to follow tomorrow.......see you then !!!